FY2021 Donor
Impact Report
To nourish the wellness, purpose and dignity of older adults and their families in our community
A world that honors people throughout life
So often as we go through the routines and demands of our daily lives, we unintentionally look past many of life’s most cherished comforts—when doorbells ring, kids scurry down the hall, a garage door opens to signal that someone’s home (and hungry for dinner!) and an oven dings, signaling that a hot, delicious meal is ready to be shared. These noisy little moments have become the unofficial routines of our days, expected and familiar.
But it’s in these noisy moments that the comfort of companionship and togetherness is most powerful: These cherished comforts prove we’re not alone.
Sadly, 1 in 6 homebound older adults in our community lives without such comforts of companionship or steady nutrition. Without the impact we make together, their doorbells and phones aren’t ringing, no one is coming home at the end of the day and their cupboards are dangerously empty. They’re alone.
Together, we’re changing their lives. During July 2020 – June 2021 (FY2021), thousands of older adults relied on Meals on Wheels Orange County for precious comfort and attentive company.
We have you to thank for helping us show up and keep promises to our elderly neighbors. Your kindness and contributions provided much more than nutrition. They soothed lonely hearts and cheered worn spirits. You banded together to show thousands of isolated older adults the love and respect they deserve. With your unwavering support, we adapted to overcome new social and economic challenges, and our wheels never stopped turning.
As you scroll through this page, we hope you can feel our immense appreciation for all we accomplished together during our FY2021 year. You are the reason so many hearts beat in health, comfort and hope.
Yours in Gratitude,
Holly Hagler and Earle Zucht


Board Chair
In Their Own Words

report they feel less lonely

Isolation is one of the biggest risks for disease in older adults and yet 22% of seniors live alone in Orange County. That’s why with every meal we delivered, we did so with the message, “We’re here for you.” The following stories capture the health, vitality and dignity that our meal recipients experienced because of the nutrition and companionship we fostered through our programs.
Meet Deborah
“It's such a joy to see Meals on Wheels OC volunteers. They provide companionship and are like friends to me. They even worried about me when I was in the hospital and brought me a birthday plant!”
– Deborah, 68
Deborah loved her job working in investments to fund church and ministry loans. When chronic health problems forced her into early retirement, she felt a devastating loss. “I worked my whole life and loved helping people,” she said. Now, at 68, Deborah is the one needing assistance. “Meals on Wheels OC is a godsend, I would have to choose between food and medication without them,” she said. Deborah couldn’t be happier: “Meals on Wheels is a wonderful program and quite a blessing. I am very, very thankful!”
Meet Irma and Ezequiel
“It’s so nice to have someone come over and say hello.”
– Irma, 83
Since 83-year-old Irma suffered a stroke, her husband Ezequiel has been her loving caregiver. Ezequiel considers himself an “excellent dishwasher,” but much less competent preparing meals. When trips to the grocery store were no longer safe, their niece suggested they call us. Now, the couple is no longer concerned about getting the nutrition they need. Without Meals on Wheels, Ezequiel believes they would be struggling to meet their dietary needs. “We would be eating badly,” he said. Knowing someone will arrive at the door with meals is a comfort.
Erasing food insecurity is a monumental task, especially when 1 in 4 low-income older adults in Orange County struggle with hunger. But with the support of Meals on Wheels Orange County’s selfless volunteers, it’s a task you’ve helped us tackle head on, one meal and one friendship at a time. Volunteers are at the heart of our operation and provide invaluable health benefits to our elderly neighbors.
“Seniors are a big part of our community and the population is growing. Giving a few hours per week of your time will make a huge difference in the well-being of a grateful older adult.”

“I’m the only person that they’re going to see that day, so I try to spend a little more time talking to them. I’m always excited to see them, because they make my day – and I think I make their day.”

During FY2021, 400 volunteers faithfully gave
20,596 hours
serving in our programs.
From July 2020 to June 2021, Meals on Wheels Orange County’s partners helped deliver millions of nutritious meals to those who would otherwise go hungry. Each contribution is received with gratitude knowing kindhearted people like you truly care about the well-being of older adults.
“My classmates and I have been truly honored to support Meals on Wheels Orange County this past year. Their Grab & Go and Home Delivered Meals programs have been essential in keeping many at-risk older adults nourished and safe in their own homes throughout the pandemic. The entire team at Meals on Wheels Orange County does amazing work, and it is wonderful to see them continue to meet the increasing food security needs of the community through their heartfelt dedication and commitment to the older population.”
– Susan Goodridge, 84VIKINGS4GOOD
“Thank you all for all the caring, thoughtfulness, encouragement and smiles. You have been a light in the darkness of this difficult journey.”
– Dennis & Debbie
Adults aged 65 or older are the fastest-growing age group in Orange County. By 2040, almost 1 in 4 people in the county will be over the age of 65*. The need for our programs was tremendous from July 2020 to June 2021 and will continue to be for years to come. Despite this uphill battle we face, we will never stop leaning in and shifting our programs to fit the needs of our community while keeping health and safety our top priorities.
*The Orange County Healthy Aging Initiative, 2016

on Wheels
Meals on Wheels, our most recognized program, has remained a critical service to homebound older adults in our community, delivering so much more than a meal. Despite continued safety protocols, our drivers continue to bring lots of smiles, laughter and comradery with every delivery.
report they are able to maintain their independence at home
& Go
Our Grab & Go service was born out of our Lunch Café program during the pandemic to meet the nutritional needs of adults over the age of 60. The service allows Orange County seniors to pick up food in a safe manner at partnering senior and community centers. Today, Grab & Go remains just as in demand as it was in the early days of the pandemic. It’s programs like this that show the ever-changing needs of our community and our ability to adapt to those needs.

report they eat healthier foods

Adapted from our Friendly Visitor service, our Friendly Caller program pairs volunteers with local seniors to extend companionship, support and socialization via phone. Just as we did with in-person visits, we work hard to match the right volunteer with each participant to create genuine, meaningful connections for both. While nothing beats experiencing friendship in person, our Friendly Caller program is successful in providing a heaping of health benefits to our elderly neighbors.
“Thank you to my friendly caller for just ‘being there.’ You have been a Godsend.”
– Deborah, Age 68
Nearly 90% of every dollar received goes directly to nourishing older adults through Meals on Wheels Orange County programs; this percentage is well above the industry norm of 70-80%.

- Government Grants
- Social Enterprise
- Earned Income
- Contributions and Private Grants
Revenue | |
Government Grants | $48,116,219 |
Social Enterprise | $3,188,611 |
Earned Income | $2,809,096 |
Contributions and Private Grants | $3,460,478 |
Total | $57,574,404 |
*Increased net assets | $15,149,309 |

- Program Services
- Management & General
- Fundraising
Expenses | |
Program Services | $40,999,159 |
Management & General | $808,774 |
Fundraising | $617,162 |
Total | $42,425,095 |
*Due to increased funding for temporary meal programs relative to COVID; designated for sustainability to meet multi-year increased demand for services

Verde Watts

Moss Adams

Branding Agency

Concept Innovations

California Department of Aging

Choice Network

Manager, Celonis

- 84Vikings4Good
- Anaheim Community Foundation
- Anonymous
- Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian
- Meals on Wheels Association of America
- Lumina Morgan
- Sun Family Foundation
- S. Mark Taper Foundation
- Anonymous
- Archstone Foundation
- Bank of America Charitable Foundation
- George Hoag Family Foundation
- Brenda Heller
- Kaiser Permanente
- O.L. Halsell Foundation
- OC Community Resilience Fund
- Acacia Home Health, Hospice, & Palliative
- Anonymous
- The Crean Foundation
- Diane Froot
- Golden Age Foundation
- The Lester Family
- Love, Tito’s
- Pacific Life Foundation
- Ellen Polsky
- Sisters of St. Joseph Healthcare Foundation
- Michael Smith & Sherrill Schroeder Smith
- Steadfast Giving Tree Foundation
- Wallace Air Cargo Group
- Carol Zielski
- Anonymous
- Dick Atnip
- Brian & Kristi Bailey
- Dick Beissel
- California Health Advocates
- Wanda Chen
- Firmenich Charitable Foundation
- Timothy & Amy Guth
- Margaret Hakanson
- Dr. Janeen Hill
- Intact Insurance Specialty Solutions
- Karen Jeffries
- Grace Jeon
- Laurel Johnson
- Mark Krueger
- Flora Lee
- Mark Roberts Warehouse
- Dawn Maroney
- Ruth Moriarty
- Stuart & Holly Moss
- Pacific Group
- Personal Touch Cleaning & Maintenance, Inc
- John & Stacy Schaus
- Patricia Shiley
- Lynn Shapiro Snyder
- Susie Sokol
- Southern California Gas
- Vincent & Margaret Sperrico
- Wayne Stelmar
- Linda & Rex Tam
- Vallarta Supermarkets Inc
- Alice Vanklaveren
- Dan & Mary Ann Vincent
- Richard & Carol Abram
- Manuel & Hazel Alberas
- Mary Ames
- Pete Atson
- Douglas & Charlotte Ayer
- B P O Elks Lodge No. 1475
- James Bagdonas
- Katherine Baggs
- Arthur & Cathleen Balazs
- Scott & Denise Barnes
- Maher & Dalia Barsoum
- Dee Bartlett
- Diane Beardsley
- Ann Beeghly
- Warren Long
- Betaroan, LLC
- Angela Billson
- Vicki Boden
- Marjorie Boelman
- Summer Born
- Kathy Bouchard
- George & Beverly Boyadjieff
- Carol Bradley
- Franklin & Cheri Brenner
- Sheryl Brewer
- Bright Funds
- Knox Brooks
- Joyce Brown
- Harm Buning
- David Burkhardt
- William Burns
- Jerome Caldito
- Catherine Calvy
- Teresa G. Cano
- Janet Capela & Julie Evans-Hanna
- Ann Carnahan
- Cazzell & Associates, Attorneys
- Saifon Change
- Janet Charlton
- Frances Chavkin
- Mary Christle
- Cammy Ciarellie
- Jack Clapp
- Clear Choice Senior Services
- Judith Cline
- Mike & Linda Collins
- Abby Cook
- Linda Cook
- Dan Cornwell
- Kelly Couillard
- Jacqueline Cowan
- William & Andrea Crisel
- Harry Crowell
- Javier Cuadra
- Joanne Currie
- Custom Carpentry
- Frank Cutrone
- Cvengros Family/Lisa and Grant Williams Family
- Felicia Davis
- Daniel Deaton
- Donald DeBates
- Deborah Demaddalena
- Susan Dietz
- Phillip Doolittle
- Gerard Marquis Ducorday
- Jerry Dunlap & Kathy Quisling Dunlap
- Jon & Michelle Echelberry
- Frank & Ardith Endres
- Russell & Michela Engle
- Kathy Erickson
- James Etherton
- Renato & Jayna Etrata
- Paula Evron
- Dianne Farmer
- Robert & Dorothea Fergusson
- George & Carol Fotinakes
- Susan Funke
- Paul & Anne Gaarenstroom
- Karen Games
- Roger B Gaylord
- Richard & Natalie Gaza
- Sally Geiger
- Margaret George
- Ana Gill
- Steven Gilman
- Shirley Goellner
- Arnoldo & Rose Gonzalez
- Linda Gottlied
- Margaret Grossman
- Julie Gudzunas
- Patricia A. Hamilton
- Alex Hart
- Thomas & Jane Henley
- Dan Henrich
- Hephatha Lutheran Church
- Christine Herman
- Yvonne Hill
- Lisa Hohn
- Larry Holcombe
- Carol Hooven
- Timothy Hopkins
- Craig Houck
- Virginia Hough
- Timothy & Charlene Huglin
- Herbert Huitt
- Rosemarie Imbriano
- Jeanne Jackson
- Marinus Jensen
- Roger & Cynthia Johnston
- Jennifer Jones
- Roy Jones
- Jim & Mary (Mel) Kaczmarek
- Frances Keeler
- Gerald & Gayle Keyes
- Rebecca Kim
- Rod Kistinger
- Pamela Klemm
- Marla D. Klezmer
- Genevieve Knecht
- Roberta A. Knight
- Ruth Knight
- Margaret & Florian Kos
- Thomas & Joan Kosuth
- Ronald & IlaJean Kragthorpe
- Jeffrey & Marianne Krpan
- Wayne & Patricia Kranz
- Karen Kruis
- Dale & Dennis Kubeska
- The La Rocco Family
- Randall Lake
- Yumiko Larsen
- Bryce Lazzaro & Winona Lazzaro-Manzano
- Angela Lee
- Marilyn Lee
- Tracey Marie Lee
- Cheryl Leininger
- Bruce Lemon
- Lever Family Foundation
- Robert Linnell
- Susan Litke
- Linda Lo
- Thomas & Ann Lotti
- Andrew Luketic
- Dr. & Mrs. Marvin Maas
- Loretta Maiorana
- Amy Mandel
- Annie Mansell
- Mary Marshall
- Rev. Jeanie Martz
- Brenda Massey
- Marilyn Mastin
- Kaz Mayemura
- Heather McIntosh
- Lester McNall
- Barbara Millard & Kathleen Gerardo
- Shelley Miller
- Michael Minjkives
- Steven Mitsch
- Ino Montanez
- Virginia Moore
- S. P. Morchi
- Rosemary Morrow
- Joel Morse
- Julia Morton
- Roberta Muhleman
- Pat Mullins
- Patricia Murray-Rodriguez
- Richard Myers
- National Charity League, Inc Whittier Chapter
- Albert Nault
- Peninnah Ndichu
- James Milne Neighbors
- Barbara Nelson
- Harley Newman
- Patricia Nicholson
- Christian Ogbonna
- Theresa Parra
- Lorna Paugh
- George & Tammy Pearson
- Perfetti Van Melle USA Inc
- Thu Pham
- Wanda Pierce
- John Potter
- Jill Prentice
- Anil & Sharon Puri
- Donald & Judith Rader
- Cheryl Randolph
- Carole Rathgeber
- Dr. Ed Reicks & Ms. Katherine Reicks
- Julia Rias
- Raymond Ribal
- John Ribeiro
- Timothy & Kay Richards
- Allison Roady
- Michele Roberge
- Eric Rodriguez
- Jane Roth
- Don Rubin
- Sandra Russell
- Franklin & Martha Rutherford
- George Salcedo & Jean Freelance Salcedo
- Salesforce.com, Inc
- Paul Sandorff
- John & Alison Sawyer
- Joanna Schmidt
- Lorraine Schmidt
- Rolland Scott
- Robert Sedlak
- Mark Serrano
- Bree Sesoko
- Deanna Shemek
- Sherman Family Foundation
- Scott & Leslie Siegle
- Paul Silkowski
- Marlene Sims
- Anthony Skidmore
- Wilbert Smith
- Mary Smithberger
- Christine Sorenson
- Brenda Springer
- Lee & Rose Stacy
- Barry Staymates
- James Stewart
- Stieger Family
- Robert Stone
- Jack Stout
- Jennifer Sun
- Anand & Lalit Talwar
- Diana Tantamjarik
- Dr. Monica Mehren & Mr. Richard Thompson
- Gregory Tirabasso & Joseph Krause
- Elden Torres
- Linda Towers
- Larry Underwood
- Unity One
- Michael Urner
- Joan Valent
- Robin Vercruse
- Archisha Verma
- James C. & M. J. Wagner
- Lynda Wallace
- The Walt Disney Company
- William Ware & Premila Anklesaria Bovie-Ware
- Frank Washington
- Robert & Judith Weinfurter
- Lois Wenholz
- Lori Willieford
- Amy Williford
- Wilshire Arms Apartments
- L.A. & H.J. Winkler
- Melanie Wolf
- Rosina Wong
- Effie Woo
- David Yeager
- Jane Yee
- Demetrious Zaferis & Angelic Carroll
- Anthony Zane
- Farhat Zubair
- Leslie Andrews
- Argyros Family Foundation
- Janet Barath
- Patricia Camp
- Happy Chen
- Credit Union of Southern California
- Don & Lynn Daucher
- Dhont Family Foundation
- Dubchansky Family Foundation
- Marilyn Edwards
- Kathleen Flinch
- John H. Grace Foundation
- Joe & Holly Hagler
- Tyler & Janna Huntington
- Landmark MSO LLC
- Rachel Levin
- Masonry Concepts
- MemorialCare Orange Coast Medical Center
- Project Dignity
- Frederic A. Randall, Jr
- Barbara Roberts
- Shanbrom Family Fund
- James Sommerville
- Eileen Sugiura
- 24HR HomeCare
- Stan & Janice Abshier
- Kara Adams
- Michael & Linda Adamson
- Joanne Adger
- American Business Bank
- Anaheim Public Utilities
- Anaheim United Methodist Church
- Anthem, Inc
- Sally Bankson
- Barbara Baranski
- Dr. Nicole Baril
- Linda Barnett
- Jerome Barr
- Michael & Nancy Bodziak
- Boeing
- Judith Boroskin
- Aubree Boul
- Fred Braddock
- Dolores Bratoff
- Scott Brinkerhoff
- Joel & Paula Bruce
- Buena Parks Elks Lodge #2046
- Robert Buettell & Bruce Buettell
- Kathryn Campbell
- Lorenzo Canales
- Conrad & Kenna Caprez
- Care Partners at Home
- Joseph & Marina Chirco
- Joel Cooperrider
- Roy E. Crummer Foundation
- Brian & Dianne Daucher
- Charles & Emma Davis
- Norman Delaterre
- Robert & Burnetta Denham
- Lionel D’Luna
- Peggy Dougherty
- John & Barbara Doyle
- Patricia Doyle
- Ebell Club of Fullerton
- Homa Ebrahimi
- Thomas Edelblute
- Thomas & Lisa Ekman
- Linda Jean Elliot
- Sandy Fainbarg
- Jacob & Eleanor Fix
- Jason Fletcher
- Benjamin & Ann Freze
- Eunice Gale
- Alex & Carrie Garufis
- Anthony & Janie Gonzales
- Lotte Gopalakrishnan
- Cecelia Gorman
- Richard Hasselman
- Howard & Carol Hay
- Jerry Hendrickson
- Werner & Judith Hinz
- Julianne Holt
- Ralph Howarth
- John & Lorrie Huff
- Jonathan Huynh
- Hyder & Company, Stephen Margetic
- Frank & Carol Infusino
- Ingram Micro
- Irvine Chinese Bible Church
- R. Michael Jarvis, PhD
- Deborah J. Katkus
- Daniel Kee
- Chris Keele
- Katherine Kenney
- John Kirkowski
- Carol Kiser
- Kiwanis Club of Greater Anaheim
- William & Carolyn Klein
- Colin Kleis
- Joyce Knowles
- Marjorie Kriege
- Greg Kristoff
- Frani Krum
- Rick & Kathy Kurjan
- Virginia Kyle
- Lois Lacy
- Melody Lai
- Herbert John Lane
- Jenny Lanning
- The Leaverton Co
- The Lewis Family
- Jean Marie Lien
- Marilyn Lindberg
- Lockton Insurance Brokers, LLC
- James Lord
- Mary Lueking
- Steve Ma
- The Maggette Family
- Mary Malk
- Richard & Cindy Marks
- Rufino C. Martinez & Maria Solis-Martinez
- Timothy & Susan Martinez
- June Masui
- Roger May
- McMaster-Carr Supply Company
- Linda McQuerrey
- Mike’s Wood & Metal Tools
- Candice Miller
- Layne & Suzanne Miller
- Mark Miller, MD
- Roger & Sally Miller
- Samantha Mills
- Rae & Stephanie Miyoshi
- Thomas Moore
- Gayle Morrison
- Liz Morton & Glenn Gregersen
- Charlene Moss
- Lorena Moulin
- Frances J. Roberts Napolitan
- Dieter & Cynthia Nemes
- Dietrich & Caroline Nicholson
- O’Connor Mortuary
- Jeff & Darla Olson
- Shirley Olson
- Kathleen Palkovic
- Joe & Susan Papiri
- Seth Pawan
- John Payne
- Christopher Perez
- Daniel Perlmutter
- Phillips 66
- PIMCO Foundation
- Jeff Porter
- Marc Pridmore & Carol Lester
- Robert & Patricia Proffitt
- James Redman
- Sidney & Cheryl Rhodes
- Debra Ricker
- W. Kelley Roberts
- Teresa Rose
- Rafael Ruvalcaba
- COR Branding Agency, Corey Saenz
- Barbara Satorius
- Earl Schack
- Sheila Schlee
- Weldon Schorg, D.D.S.
- Thomas & Barbara Schworer
- Kathleen Shah
- Mary Shandrow
- Thomas & Janice Sheffield
- Barry Sheldon
- Thomas & Cammie Shreve
- Michael & Pauline Smith
- The Snell Family
- Paul Specterman & Terry Hanna
- Margaret Steinberg
- Sheryl Stein-Tidus
- Luanne Stoddard-Cook
- Becky Stone
- Mary Thomsic
- Kristine Tidwell
- Karl & Kathy Tipre
- Richard & Sandra Tjaden
- Jon Visser
- Thao Vu
- Daniel A. Watts
- Harry Whitcomb
- David & Donna Wilson
- Daphna Worsham
- Majid & Sohaila Zarrinkelk
- Andrea Zimmerman
- Administration for Community Living
- City of Anaheim
- City of Brea
- City of Costa Mesa
- City of Cypress
- City of Fountain Valley
- City of Fullerton
- City of Garden Grove
- City of La Habra
- City of Santa Ana
- City of Seal Beach
- City of Tustin
- City of Westminster
- County of Orange Office on Aging
- Emergency Food and Shelter National Board Program
- Gail Bales
- Philip & Suzanne Beukema
- Charles & Nancy Cargo
- Max Engel
- Joe & Holly Hagler
- Rosaline Mehling
- Lumina Morgan
- James Redman
- June Traver
Legacy of Hope Donor
* Donor Deceased