Meals on Wheels Orange County


FY2022 Donor Impact Report

Meals on Wheels Orange County



FY2022 Donor Impact Report


To nourish the wellness, purpose and dignity of older adults and their families in our community


A world that honors people throughout life


To nourish the wellness, purpose and dignity of older adults and their families in our community


A world that honors people throughout life

We’re Driving Impact with YOU!

At Meals on Wheels OC, we work to keep our wheels turning to nourish and provide meaningful connections for our elderly neighbors. Although the wheels are important, the engine makes them turn. And YOUR LOVE is the engine that propels us forward. Because of YOU, we have been able to serve more than double the number of seniors in need. So let’s take a quick look “Behind the Wheel” to celebrate the lives you’ve helped to change over the past fiscal year (July 2021-June 2022).

Because of YOU, Meals on Wheels Orange County was able to maneuver at the onset of the pandemic, moving from in-person lunches to Grab-and-Go meals and now a combination of the two.

Because of YOU, our team steered smoothly through the exponential increase in need, doubling the number of meals we served from one million to two million annually.

Because of YOU, the 15,303 older adults we served reported improved overall health, increased independence, and were able to remain in the homes they love.

And because of YOU, we’ve been able to drive innovation to increase menu options that provide choice for seniors who face fewer life choices as they age.

Thank you for being the engine that drives our wheels!

Holly Hagler, CEO, and Earle Zucht, Board Chair

Holly Hagler
Holly Hagler Signature
Earle Zucht
Earle Zucht Signature

We’re Driving Impact with YOU!

At Meals on Wheels OC, we work to keep our wheels turning to nourish and provide meaningful connections for our elderly neighbors. Although the wheels are important, the engine makes them turn. And YOUR LOVE is the engine that propels us forward. Because of YOU, we have been able to serve more than double the number of seniors in need. So let’s take a quick look “Behind the Wheel” to celebrate the lives you’ve helped to change over the past fiscal year (July 2021-June 2022).

Because of YOU, Meals on Wheels Orange County was able to maneuver at the onset of the pandemic, moving from in-person lunches to Grab-and-Go meals and now a combination of the two.

Because of YOU, our team steered smoothly through the exponential increase in need, doubling the number of meals we served from one million to two million annually.

Because of YOU, the 20,000 older adults we served reported improved overall health, increased independence, and were able to remain in the homes they love.

And because of YOU, we’ve been able to drive innovation to increase menu options that provide choice for seniors who face fewer life choices as they age.

Thank you for being the engine that drives our wheels!

Holly Hagler, CEO, and Earle Zucht, Board Chair

Holly Hagler
Holly Hagler Signature
Earle Zucht
Earle Zucht Signature

Erasing Senior Hunger and Isolation


O.C. Seniors Live Below
Elder Economical
Security Index


O.C. Seniors
Experience Food


O.C. Seniors Have
Independent Living

On the Road with Meals on Wheels: Meet Our Clients

Hunger hurts … physically, emotionally, and mentally. That’s why we deliver more than nutritious food. We bring encouragement to every one of the seniors we serve. Together, we ease the loneliness and loss of independence that too often come with the later stages of life. 

Take a moment to meet the men and women
you’ve helped through your partnership with us!

On the Road with Meals on Wheels: Meet Our Clients

Hunger hurts … physically, emotionally, and mentally. That’s why we deliver more than nutritious food. We bring encouragement to every one of the seniors we serve. Together, we ease the loneliness and loss of independence that too often come with the later stages of life. 

Take a moment to meet the men and women
you’ve helped through your partnership with us!

Meet Deborah

Deborah loved her job working with investments to fund church and ministry loans. But when chronic health problems forced her into early retirement 10 years ago, she felt a devastating loss. “I worked my whole life and loved helping people,” she said.

Now, at 68, Deborah is the one needing assistance and is grateful Meals on Wheels OC is there to provide the nutrition she needs. She also appreciates the regular check-ins from her meal drivers. She said, “It’s such a joy to see them. They’re like friends to me.”

Deborah hopes Meals on Wheels OC is here to stay. She said, “So many people would experience hardship without their help.”

Deborah Screengrab


Thanks to our community and our philanthropic partners,
MOWOC met the ever-increasing demand for our meal services by serving
1,948,604 meals to more than 15,303 at-risk older adults

Watch Deborah’s full story at

Hope Community Services

Meet Deborah

Deborah loved her job working with investments to fund church and ministry loans. But when chronic health problems forced her into early retirement 10 years ago, she felt a devastating loss. “I worked my whole life and loved helping people,” she said. Now, at 68, Deborah is the one needing assistance and is grateful Meals on Wheels OC is there to provide the nutrition she needs. She also appreciates the regular check-ins from her meal drivers. She said, “It’s such a joy to see them. They’re like friends to me.” Deborah hopes Meals on Wheels OC is here to stay. She said, “So many people would experience hardship without their help.”

Watch Deborah’s full story at


MOWOC met the ever-increasing demand for our meal services by serving
1,948,604 meals to more than 15,303 at-risk older adults

Marlena Singh

Meet Marlena

Marlena began receiving meals after injuries from a shower fall made it difficult to shop and cook meals for herself. Soon, she was only eating soup because it was the easiest meal for her to prepare. But as a retired nurse, she knew she needed better nutrition. A friend suggested Meals on Wheels, and Marlena slowly began to regain her health.

“Meals on Wheels helps me so much. They give you a balanced meal and it helps with the food bill, which is important because Social Security doesn’t go far and it’s expensive to eat well. I get plenty to eat. Meals on Wheels is a great thing to have!”


of meal recipients say the meals tasted good and were of high quality.

Meet Marlena

Marlena began receiving meals after injuries from a shower fall made it difficult to shop and cook meals for herself. Soon, she was only eating soup because it was the easiest meal for her to prepare. But as a retired nurse, she knew she needed better nutrition. A friend suggested Meals on Wheels, and Marlena slowly began to regain her health.

“Meals on Wheels helps me so much. They give you a balanced meal and it helps with the food bill, which is important because Social Security doesn’t go far and it’s expensive to eat well. I get plenty to eat. Meals on Wheels is a great thing to have!”


of meal recipients say the meals tasted good and were of high quality.

Meet Maggie

After retiring as a preschool teacher’s aide, Maggie was missed so much that she returned to work as a substitute teacher and continued working until she was 84 years old. At 85, Maggie was still fully capable of doing whatever she wanted to do.

Sadly, a year later everything changed. At 86, Maggie began to have trouble standing, walking became difficult, and she sustained multiple falls. Over time, her symptoms became progressively worse.

Maggie’s adult children and family members rallied together and split up the many tasks needed to help keep Maggie living in the home she loved. But when it came to coordinating a schedule for meal preparation, they struggled. “We all knew it was so important to pull together to help Mom remain living independently. The problem was the meals,” said her daughter Mary. “There just isn’t enough time in the day.”

Meals on Wheels OC provided an easy and nutritious solution to the family’s dilemma, and Maggie loves her daily deliveries. She said, “I enjoy the meals and eat them up every day!”



Of MOW participants say their health conditions are easier to manage because of the meals they receive.


Meet Maggie

After retiring as a preschool teacher’s aide, Maggie was missed so much that she returned to work as a substitute teacher and continued working until she was 84 years old. At 85, Maggie was still fully capable of doing whatever she wanted to do.

Sadly, a year later everything changed. At 86, Maggie began to have trouble standing, walking became difficult, and she sustained multiple falls. Over time, her symptoms became progressively worse.

Maggie’s adult children and family members rallied together and split up the many tasks needed to help keep Maggie living in the home she loved. But when it came to coordinating a schedule for meal preparation, they struggled. “We all knew it was so important to pull together to help Mom remain living independently. The problem was the meals,” said her daughter Mary. “There just isn’t enough time in the day.”

Meals on Wheels OC provided an easy and nutritious solution to the family’s dilemma, and Maggie loves her daily deliveries. She said, “I enjoy the meals and eat them up every day!”


of MOW participants say their health conditions are easier to manage because of the meals they receive.

Take a Ride with Our Volunteers

Take a Ride with Our Volunteers

We couldn’t operate without our dedicated volunteers. They come from all walks of life, faithfully serving as drivers, servers, friends … people who care. In FY2022, 527 volunteers gave 27,333 hours serving in Meals on Wheels OC programs!

Take a Ride with Our Volunteers

Take a Ride with Our Volunteers

We couldn’t operate without our dedicated volunteers. They come from all walks of life, faithfully serving as drivers, servers, friends … people who care. In FY2022, 527 volunteers gave 27,333 hours serving in Meals on Wheels OC programs!

Meet Jim

Jim served in the military and says he grew up with “service as a mindset.” He shared, “Driving for Meals on Wheels is an important commitment for me. The first thing I do each month is mark ‘Meals on Wheels Delivery’ each Thursday in my day planner, and then I schedule everything else around it. Anything else that comes up must wait.”

Part of Jim’s appreciation for the services Meals on Wheels provides comes from his parents’ experiences. As they aged, he spent two decades juggling his job and traveling monthly to purchase groceries and help them continue to live independently; “An organization such as Meals on Wheels could have alleviated a lot of stress for me and offered encouragement to my parents when I was away.”

Shortly after Jim’s parents passed away, Jim saw an appeal on television seeking volunteers for Meals on Wheels in Westminster. He was immediately inspired to help. Twenty years later, Jim continues to find fulfillment as he delivers meals and friendly company to seniors in need.

Recently, the Orange County Association of Realtors presented Jim with $500 when he received the award for Volunteer of the Year. Jim generously donated his award money to Meals and Wheels. He continued, “I’ll be here to help, whenever, wherever, however I can.”

Jim and Boi


of participants shared that the nutrition education materials were understandable, helpful, and respectful of their culture and background.


Meet Jim

Jim served in the military and says he grew up with “service as a mindset.” He shared, “Driving for Meals on Wheels is an important commitment for me. The first thing I do each month is mark ‘Meals on Wheels Delivery’ each Thursday in my day planner, and then I schedule everything else around it. Anything else that comes up must wait.”

Part of Jim’s appreciation for the services Meals on Wheels provides comes from his parents’ experiences. As they aged, he spent two decades juggling his job and traveling monthly to purchase groceries and help them continue to live independently; “An organization such as Meals on Wheels could have alleviated a lot of stress for me and offered encouragement to my parents when I was away.”

Shortly after Jim’s parents passed away, Jim saw an appeal on television seeking volunteers for Meals on Wheels in Westminster. He was immediately inspired to help. Twenty years later, Jim continues to find fulfillment as he delivers meals and friendly company to seniors in need.

Recently, the Orange County Association of Realtors presented Jim with $500 when he received the award for Volunteer of the Year. Jim generously donated his award money to Meals and Wheels. He continued, “I’ll be here to help, whenever, wherever, however I can.”


of participants shared that the nutrition education materials were understandable, helpful, and respectful of their culture and background.


Meet Mike

Mike first became a volunteer driver for Meals on Wheels OC seven years ago, and he still loves it. He shared, “My mother used to receive Meals on Wheels in Santa Ana, so now I enjoy paying it forward as a volunteer.”

Twice weekly, Mike delivers meals to seven older adults in Anaheim. He said, “It’s fun to have conversations and banter together. I’m retired now, so I have the time.”

Check-ins like this are an important benefit of Meals on Wheels. They can even save lives!

Because of volunteers like him, Meals on Wheels delivers so much more than a meal.

Mike plans to continue volunteering indefinitely. He said, “The Meals on Wheels drivers are often the only people the seniors see all day. I enjoy it so much that I’ll keep doing this as long as Meals on Wheels OC will have me!”


of MOW participants stated that they are more independent because of the program.


Meet Mike

Mike first became a volunteer driver for Meals on Wheels OC seven years ago, and he still loves it. He shared, “My mother used to receive Meals on Wheels in Santa Ana, so now I enjoy paying it forward as a volunteer.”

Twice weekly, Mike delivers meals to seven older adults in Anaheim. He said, “It’s fun to have conversations and banter together. I’m retired now, so I have the time.”

Check-ins like this are an important benefit of Meals on Wheels. They can even save lives!
Because of volunteers like him, Meals on Wheels delivers so much more than a meal.

Mike plans to continue volunteering indefinitely. He said, “The Meals on Wheels drivers are often the only people the seniors see all day. I enjoy it so much that I’ll keep doing this as long as Meals on Wheels OC will have me!”


of MOW participants stated that they are more independent because of the program.

YOU Keep Our
Wheels Turning

We’re here because of people like YOU, who serve faithfully and give generously. You provide millions of much-needed meals to your neighbors who would otherwise go hungry. You’re bringing hope to isolated, lonely seniors across our community. And in a very real way, you’re behind the wheel with us, driving the impact that changes lives.

“I give to Meals on Wheels OC because I
know that they can do more good with
my dollars than I could ever do.”

— Carol

John Nguyen

Our Programs Deliver

Alongside friends and partners like you, Meals on Wheels Orange County has served the local community for more than 50 years. Over the last fiscal year, the number of senior adults facing hunger has more than doubled, and we expect to see more and more people reaching out for help. And in our constantly changing community, we must continue to adapt our programs to fit the need, always keeping health and safety as our top priorities.

Take a Ride with Our Volunteers

Our Programs Deliver

Alongside friends and partners like you, Meals on Wheels Orange County has served the local community for more than 50 years. Over the last fiscal year, the number of senior adults facing hunger has more than doubled, and we expect to see more and more people reaching out for help. And in our constantly changing community, we must continue to adapt our programs to fit the need, always keeping health and safety as our top priorities.

Ester Rivera King Richards

Meals On Wheels

Our home-delivery service is our most well-known program, and it remains critical to homebound older adults throughout our community. Our friendly drivers deliver much more than a meal, bringing encouragement, laughter, and friendship to everyone we serve.

Without Meals on Wheels, I wouldn’t be 92 years old and running around like crazy! The food is so good. It’s not like other take-out food … it’s home cooking!

–Joan, Meals on Wheels client

Ester Rivera King Richards


Our Grab-and-Go service was developed during the pandemic as a safe, simple way for older adults to meet their nutritional needs. Meals have been available at partnering community centers, allowing those we serve to pick them up easily. This is just one way we’ve adapted to meet the changing needs of our community.

The people who deliver the meals are really helpful. They even put my food away for me! If I don’t answer the door, they check on me. I’m so thankful for them all.

–Ann, Meals on Wheels client

Ester Rivera King Richards

Lunch Café

Our Lunch Café is back! With strict safety protocols in place, several sites are open now, and we will be expanding this vital program as the year continues. This service allows Orange County adults to join us for a nutritious meal and build much-needed relationships in a welcoming environment.


98% of meal recipients say the meals tasted good and were of high quality

Meals On Wheels

Meals On Wheels

Our home-delivery service is our most well-known program, and it remains critical to homebound older adults throughout our community. Our friendly drivers deliver much more than a meal, bringing encouragement, laughter, and friendship to everyone we serve.

Without Meals on Wheels, I wouldn’t be 92 years old and running around like crazy! The food is so good. It’s not like other take-out food … it’s home cooking!

–Joan, Meals on Wheels client



Our Grab-and-Go service was developed during the pandemic as a safe, simple way for older adults to meet their nutritional needs. Meals have been available at partnering community centers, allowing those we serve to pick them up easily. This is just one way we’ve adapted to meet the changing needs of our community.

The people who deliver the meals are really helpful. They even put my food away for me! If I don’t answer the door, they check on me. I’m so thankful for them all.

–Ann, Meals on Wheels client

Lunch Café

Lunch Café

Our Lunch Café is back! With strict safety protocols in place, several sites are open now, and we will be expanding this vital program as the year continues. This service allows Orange County adults to join us for a nutritious meal and build much-needed relationships in a welcoming environment.



98% of meal recipients say the meals tasted good and were of high quality

Financial Accountability

Meals on Wheels Orange County is committed to financial transparency and accountability. Our organization has earned a 4-star rating from Charity Navigator, America’s largest independent charity evaluator. You can be confident that we will be excellent stewards of your donations.

2022 Revenue Stats
2022 Expense Stats
2022 Revenue Stats
2022 Expense Stats

Board of Directors

Meals On Wheels Orange County’s Leadership

Board Officers

Earle Zuchtround

Earle Zucht

Verde Watts

Stuart Moss

Stuart Moss

Past Chair
Managing Director, Keystone Capital Markets, Inc.

DeVon Wiens

DeVon Wiens

Vice Chair
Retired Partner,
Moss Adams

Corey Saenz

Corey Saenz

President, COR
Branding Agency

Richard Lee

Richard Lee

Associate Director,
BKM Capital Partners

Board Members

Gary Coburn

Gary Coburn

Principal, Restaurant
Concept Innovations

Lynn Daucher

Lynn Daucher

Former Director,
California Department of Aging

Scott Heinila

Scott Heinila

Regional Director,
Producers Choice Network

Susan Lucero

Susan Lucero

Strategic Sales
Manager, Celonis

Stephen J. Margetic, CPA

Stephen J. Margetic, CPA

Hyder & Company

Di Patterson

Di Patterson

Founder & CEO,
Success in Aging Centers

Randy A. Platt, C.A. RCFE

Randy A. Platt,

Chairman & CEO Care Partners
Integrated Healthcare

Chalat Rajaram, MD

Chalat Rajaram, MD

Medical Director,
Newport Nursing &

Tom Sowers

Tom Sowers

Regional Managing
Director of Sales,
24HR Home Care

Fariba Toofanian

Fariba Toofanian

Bloor Business Consulting

Staff Leadership

Holly Hagler

Holly Hagler, MM

President & Chief Executive Officer

Jane Roth, CPA

Jane Roth, CPA

Chief Financial & Administrative Officer

Gio Corzo, MHA

Gio Corzo, MHA

Vice President, Home & Care Services

Darla Olson

Darla Olson

Vice President, Advancement

Alejandro Lupercio, LNHA, MBA

Alejandro Lupercio, LNHA, MBA

Vice President, Social Services

Key Contributors

Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian
Kaiser Permanente
Sun Family Foundation

Bank of America Charitable Foundation
The Berg Family
George Hoag Family Foundation
Joe MacPherson Foundation, Inc
Meals on Wheels America
O. L. Halsell Foundation
S. L. Gimbel Foundation

The Crean Foundation
Golden Age Foundation
The Lester Family
Michael Smith & Sherrill Schroeder Smith
No Ordinary Moments
Sisters of St. Joseph Healthcare Foundation
Wallace Air Cargo Group

Leslie Andrews
Mike & Kris Burns
Charitable Oak Fund
Don & Lynn Daucher
Dhont Family Foundation
Edwards Lifesciences Foundation
Cheryl Finch Forsberg
The Firmenich Charitable Foundation
Diane Froot
G & M Oil Company, Inc
Timothy & Amy Guth
Dr. Janeen M. Hill
John H. Grace Foundation
Laurel Johnson
Rick & Kathy Kurjan
Rachel Levin
Mark Roberts Warehouse
Personal Touch Cleaning & Maintenance, Inc
Teresa Rose
Ruck Family
Shanbrom Family Fund
James Sommerville
Eileen Sugiura
Alice W. Van Klaveren
Wells Fargo Foundation
Carol J. Zielski

24HR HomeCare LLC
Brian & Kristi Bailey
Dr. Nicole Baril
Dick Beissel
Melissa Berg
Brasstech, Inc
Darcelle Bryan
Circle Vision, LLC
COR Branding Agency, Corey Saenz
Charles & Emma Davis
Robert & Burnetta Denham
Curtis & Ernalee Eakin
Marilyn Edwards
Robert Goeke
Allan Gordon & Nancy Monk
Joe & Holly Hagler
Howard & Carol Hay
Helpful Fish Private Foundation
Timothy Hopkins
Karen Jeffries
William & Carolyn Klein
Herbert John Lane
Richard & Debra Lee
McMaster-Carr Supply Company
Layne & Suzanne Miller
Thomas G. Moore
Stuart & Holly Moss
John Payne
Frederic A. Randall, Jr
Mary Rhodes
RLA Advisors, LLC
Vincent Sperrico & Margaret Fuller Sperrico
Becky Stone
Edward & Melinda Subia
Dan & Mary Ann Vincent
Jon Visser
5 Day Business Forms
Stan & Janice Abshier
Michael & Linda Adamson
Aggresive Engineering Corporation
Agilon Health
Terry Agius
American Online Giving Foundation, Inc
Anaheim United Methodist Church
Katherine J. Baggs
Kathryn Baker Campbell
Barbara Baranski
Linda Barnett
Jerome Barr
Michelle Becker
Betaroan, LLC
Nivedita Bhatt
Jeffrey & Laura Black
Dr. Carol Bradley & Mr. Robert Bradley
Kathleen L. Bridges
Scott Brinkerhoff
Knox & Sharon Brooks
Joel & Paula Bruce
Buena Parks Elks Lodge #2046
Robert Reese Buettell & Bruce Buettell
Harm G. Buning
David Burkhardt
Norbert & Sally Cahill
California Health Advocates
Patricia Camp
Lorenzo Canales
Mary Jo Carpenter
Cheuk Chan
Micheal & Linda Collins
Joel Cooperrider
Custom Carpentry, Inc
Daniel Deaton
The Del Re Foundation
Norman Delaterre
Dianna Delmar
Deborah Demaddalena
Susan Dietz
Lionel D’Luna
Peggy N. Dougherty
Dawn Dow
John & Barbara Doyle
Patricia Doyle
Ebell Club of Canyon Hills, Inc
Homa Ebrahimi
Thomas Edelblute
Tom & Lisa Ekman
Ekman Associates, Inc
Linda Jean Elliott
Kathyryn M. Erickson
Dr. Dale W. Evans
Jennifer Evans
Sandy Fainbarg
Gene & Dorothy Farrell
James & Carol Farris
FedEx Express, NZJA
Jacob & Eleanor Fix
Jason Fletcher
Alex & Carrie Garufis
Steven Gilman
Nancy Goldman
Anthony & Janie Gonzales
Linda Gottlied
Jeffrey Griffith
Julie M. Gudzunas
Raphael Haller
Patricia A. Hamilton
Susan Hartman
Richard Hasselman
Carl & Diane Hattermann
Health Net, LLC
Barbara Hedley
Thomas & Jane Henley
Pamela Ann Henry Brown
Werner & Judith Hinz
Ted & Julianne Holt
John & Lorrie Huff
Tyler & Janna Huntington
Hyder & Company, Stephen Margetic
Rosemarie Imbriano
Irvine Chinese Bible Church
Grace Jeon
David H. Jerome
Alfred & Donna Johnson
Roy Jones
Donald & Catherine Kay
Ernest Kelly & Maureen Costello
David & Lauren Kennedy
Katherine Kenney
Carol Kiser
Kiwanis Club of Greater Anaheim
Colin Kleis
Pamela Klemm
James & Joyce Knowles
Henry Koerper
Thaddeus James Kopacki
Margaret & Florian Kos
Wayne & Patricia Kranz
Marjorie Kriege
Gregory & Margaret Kristoff
Frani Krum
Virginia Kyle
Michael La Rocco & Family
The Lewis Family
Mary Lueking
Steve Ma
The Maggette Family
Rev. Jeanie Martz
June E. Masui
Roger May
Mike’s Wood & Metal Tools
Roger & Sally Miller
Shelley Miller
Jon & Nancy Mills
Rae & Stephanie Miyoshi
Ino Montanez
Virginia J. Morelock
Gayle Morrison
Charlene Moss
Lorena Moulin
Richard Myers
NCL, Inc – Whittier Chapter
Christian Ogbonna
Shirley Olson
Jeff & Darla Olson
Orange County Trial Lawyers’ Charities
Michael & Kathleen Palkovic
Catherine Paulson
Wanda Pierce
Philip Pipal & Jennifer Johnson
Stephan Plotzker
Robert & Patricia Proffitt
Anil & Sharon Puri
Regal Medical Group, Inc
Jan Reimer
Sidney & Cheryl Rhodes
Barbara Roberts
Frances J. Roberts Napolitan
Ronald S. Robertson & Connie Rak Robertson
Dr. Richard Roth & Mrs. Elaine Roth
Roy E. Crummer Foundation
Barbara Satorius
Sheila Schlee
Nancy W. Schmoldt
Dr. Weldon Schorg
Thomas & Barbara Schworer
Segale Consulting Services, LLC
Cynthia Selva
Pradip & Kathleen Shah
Mary Shandrow
Thomas & Janice Sheffield
Barry Sheldon
Patricia Shiley
Thomas & Cammie Shreve
Aaron & Jennifer Sierra
Carole Smith
Michael & Pauline Smith
Ronald & Virginia Snow
Susie Sokol
Edward Spear
Paul Specterman & Terry Hanna
Margaret A. Steinberg
James Stewart
Stieger Family
Carol Sudbeck
Diana Tantamjarik
Julia L. Thielman
Karl & Katherine Tipre
Gregory Tirabasso & Joseph Krause
Richard & Sandra Tjaden
Fariba & Henry Toofanian
Joan Valent
William P. VanKuran
Vincent & Violet Vasil
Lynda J. Wallace
Frank D. Washington
Daniel & Elisabeth Watts
Lois Wenholz
DeVon & Lynette Wiens
Wilshire Arms Apartments
Jane Yee
Kara Adams
Joanne Adger
Matthew & Elizabeth Allan
Robert Allard
Dennis C. Ankerbrand
Kaye Ankersen
Carole A. Asato
Dick Atnip
Jeff Axtell
Douglas & Charlotte Ayer
Arthur & Cathleen Balazs
Joaquin & Mary Baligad
Ryan & Stephanie Bankhead
Scott & Denise Barnes
Mary Ann Barth
Dee Ann Bartlett
Bill & Diane Beardsley
Arthur & Kandee Beas
George Beckage & Elizabeth Spanier
Mark & Debbie Bedard
David & Ruth Beiter
Bentley-Shull Charitable Foundation
Bernice Siu & Lauren Spurgeon
Charles & Linda Bicoy
Angela Billson
William Blanchard
Marjorie Boelman
Sherri Boland
Summer Born
Judy Boroskin
Kathy Bouchard
George & Beverly Boyadjieff
Fred Braddock
Bramco Builders, Inc
Sheryl Louise Brewer
Julie Briggs & Suzie Silva
Sarah P. Brown
Hoang Bui & LanChi Le Bui
William Burns
Susan Burns
Wayne & Janice Buxton
Charles Byrom
Teresa G. Cano
Janet Kay Capela & Julie Evans-Hanna
Conrad & Kenna Caprez
Robert & Carol Ann Cebula
Janet Charlton
Wanda Chen
Hweiming Chen
Lynn Childress
Mary Christle
Ann Cleland
Judith A. Cline
Dr. Mona Coates
Abby Cook
Donna Cooper
Paul Coward
Cynthia Craft
Mishael Croft
Edward & Joeleen Cruz
Joanne Currie
Sharon M. Cutler
Alisa Cutrer
Juan C. Davila
Linda Joye Davis
Dr. Diana Dee
Steven & Lynn Dewilde
Donald & Faye Dietker
Jane Drinkwalter
Gerard Marquis Ducorday
Sybil Earl
Stephanie Eatmon
Jon & Michelle Echelberry
Frank & Ardith Endres
Russell & Michela Engle
Richard & Debbie Evans
Alan & Savannah Ey
Dianne Farmer
Robert & Dorothea Fergusson
James Fleming
Jackie Fong
George & Carol Fotinakes
Marilyn Fox
Frank and Elsa Charitable Fund
Carole Fujishrio-Fukuroku
Michael & Christine Gallagher
Karen Games
Roger B Gaylord
Sally S. Geiger
Ana Gill
Shirley Goellner
David Golbeck
Lisa H. Gomez
David & Irene Gonzales
Candice Gore
Cecelia Gorman
Harold & Jacqueline Graves
Halbur Family
Lisa Halpern
Julie Harris
Alex L. Hart
Robert & Susan Hausken
Carl S. Hayashibara
Mary Heath & Mary Bunker
Jerry & Corliss Hendrickson
Michael Hennigan
David & Jane Hinch
Heidi Holmes
Carol Hooven
Teria Horner
Ralph J. Howarth
Timothy Huglin
Herbert & Karen Huitt
Hyder & Company
Rolf Janssen
Ismael C. Jauregui, Jr
Jennifer Jones
Linda & Randy Kearns
Linelle Kennedy
Gerald & Gayle Keyes
Paul & Ellen Kleizo
Roberta A. Knight
Shirley Knopf
Mani Krishnan & Mandy Knutson
Karen Kruis
Anna Kupfrian
Cathy L. Lampshire
Philip & Linda Lang
Colin & Michelle Langan
John & Jenny Lanning
Lauran Lansdon
Tuan Le
Tracey Marie Lee
Bruce Lemon
Lever Family Foundation
Kay & Ely Licht
Robert Linnell
Susan A. Litke
Linda H. Lo
James & Nancy Lord
Michelle Loy
Andrew Luketic
Dr. & Mrs. Marvin Maas
William & Sharyn Mahoney
Amy Mandel
Mary Ann Manifold
Annie Mansell
Richard & Cindy Marks
Dale & Lynda Martin
Rufino C. Martinez & Maria T. Solis-Martinez
Oliver Mason
Lawrence McEver
Zona McKibben
Dennis & Mercedes McLaughlin
Lester McNall
Dan McQuaid
Linda McQuerrey
Greg & Amy Merget
Messiah Ministries, Inc
John A. Michael
Barbara Millard & Kathleen Gerardo
Steven Mitsch
Kimberly Monti
Diane Moore
Randall Moore
Patricia Moreno
Judith Morgan
Rosemary Morrow
Liz Morton & Glenn Gregersen
Samuel Moses
Francine Mullee
Diana K. Murray
Patricia D. Murray-Rodriguez
Justin Nassie
Paul Richard Nazzareno & Leissa Grayson Nazzareno
Peninnah Ndichu
James Milne Neighbors
James Nelson
Dieter & Cynthia Nemes
Dietrich & Caroline Nicholson
Carol Nokes
NRZ Compliance Consulting
Sandra Oliver
Orange County Community Foundation
Steve Orin
Miriam Perry
Thomas O. Peters & Danelle Thomsen
Douglas & Melanie Peterson
Gary & Randi Petrilla
Thu Pham
David Phillips
Pisti Electric, Inc
Arlene Post
John Potter
Jill Prentice
Marc Pridmore & Carol Lester
Purple Sea Corp
Donald & Judith Rader
Dr. Chalat Rajaram
Cheryl Randolph
Terrence Rasset
Catherine Razzano
James Redman
John Ribeiro
Timothy & Kay Richards
Debra Ricker
Roy Rivenburg
David & Pam Rivero
Allison Roady
W. Kelley Roberts
Kathryn Ross-McCreary
Joel Rothman
Donna & Natale Russo
Reinaldo & Penny Sales, Inc
Abdel & Nafissa Salman
Paul Sandorff
Sansone-Meyers Family
Joanna R. Schmidt
Brigitte Schobert
Nicholas Schwab
David & Donna Schwien
Bree Sesoko
Julie Shafii
Barton & Marta Shively
Douglas Shultz & Laura Triner
Paul M. Silkowski
Anthony Skidmore
Edward & Jean Smet
Mary Smithberger
Christine Sorenson
Lee & Rose Stacy
Donald Stanwood
Sheryl Stein-Tidus
Luanne Stoddard
Stevan & Marilyn Tarvis
Julie Toomire
Elden Torres
Estella Torres
Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Traut
Emily Trosclair
Richard & Catherine Trueblood
Truong Long
James & Katherine Tucker
Elena V. Tuttle
UBS Matchig Gifts Program
Karen Van Kirk
Robin Vercruse
James & M. J. Wagner
Dr. William Ware & Ms. Premila Anklesaria Bovie-Ware
Steven & Carolyn Watanabe
Brian & Carolyn Watts
John & Maryanne Weiss
Chuck & Susan Whitney
John & Veenon Wiggins
David & Donna Wilson
Janet F. Wilson
Henry & L.A. Winkler
Dr. Melanie Wolf
James & Ann Wolfe
Rosina Wong
Effie Woo
Demetrious Zaferis & Angelic Carroll
Anthony L. Zane
Marsha G. Zedick
Farhat Zubair
Earle & Maria Zucht
City of Anaheim
City of Brea
City of Costa Mesa
City of Cypress
City of Fountain Valley
City of Fullerton
City of Garden Grove
City of La Habra
City of Santa Ana
City of Seal Beach
City of Tustin
City of Westminster
County of Orange Office on Aging
Orange County Health Care Agency
Gail Bales
Philip & Suzanne Beukema
Charles & Nancy Cargo
David M. Day
Max Engel
Joe & Holly Hagler
Kristen Llorente & Mike Horne
Rosalie Mehling
Audrey V. Miles
Lumina Morgan
Margaret Peirce
James Redman
June Traver

Donor Deceased

Legacy Donor

Plan for Future Journeys

During the first half of 2022, demand for meals spiked due to inflation and the rising cost of food — a trend we anticipate will continue. Meals on Wheels OC is committed to maintaining increased serving levels, while improving the quality of life of our clients.

That’s why our priority is to scale fundraising and grow partnerships to assure the long-term sustainability of this boldly expanded scope. Thank you for your support — because of you, we’re able to nourish the wellness, purpose, and dignity of older adults in our community!

Deliver Hope with Us

Please consider continuing to partner with Meals on Wheels Orange County. We need you in the driver’s seat. With YOU behind the wheel, we’ll drive life-changing impact for the seniors across our community. It’s the only way to go!

Deliver Hope with Us
Take a Ride with Our Volunteers

Deliver Hope with Us

Please consider continuing to partner with Meals on Wheels Orange County. We need you in the driver’s seat. With YOU behind the wheel, we’ll drive life-changing impact for the seniors across our community. It’s the only way to go!

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