Why We Need You
Hundreds of thousands of older adults in Orange County are in desperate need of help and hope.
YOU can make THE difference to an Orange County neighbor!

Ways to Volunteer
Pick up meals from a local senior or community center and hand-deliver them to seniors’ homes. Our volunteers deliver between 9:00-11:00 a.m., and each route takes about one hour to complete.
Friendly Visitors / Friendly Callers
Call or visit a lonely homebound older adult in need of companionship or a helping hand. Most Meals on Wheels visits are for one hour a week, so they’re easy to fit into most schedules.
Let a senior know they are not forgotten by providing a small holiday gift. Sometimes, it’s the only gift they receive from anyone … and it’s a critical reminder that they matter!
You will gain valuable experience in case management, adult day care, food and nutrition, human services, communications and more.
Prepare & Serve
Greet senior guests and register them for lunch at a senior center near you. You’ll also assist our staff with preparing food and serving lunch to seniors. Join us weekdays between 10 a.m. and 1 p.m.
Assist seniors at our Adult Day Care Center with activities or office work. Hours are available weekdays between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. in Anaheim and Buena Park.
Donate one day of meals for a homebound older adult. Your gift will brighten their lives by giving them the nutritious meals and friendly interaction they need.
You can be a voice for seniors in need. Become an advocate and help us speak out for those who can’t speak up for themselves.
Share Your Story
We want to hear from you! Does volunteering bring you joy? Or do our nutritious home-delivered meals or friendly visits make a difference in your life or the life of your loved one? Please share your story to inspire others.