Friendly Visitors & Friendly Callers
Our Friendly Visitors call or visit weekly with older adults who need companionship, support, and social attention in the comfort of their own homes, connecting them to the world.

Friendly Visitors & Friendly Callers
Our Friendly Visitors call or visit weekly with older adults who need companionship, support, and social attention in the comfort of their own homes, connecting them to the world.

*Photo and names have been changed to protect client privacy.
Mary is 98 and “forever grateful” for the balanced diet delivered by volunteers of Meals on Wheels Orange County but felt the need for more social support than the cheerful deliveries can provide. “I’m very satisfied with the meals. They are fantastic, but I can’t get out of the house, and I get lonely,” she explained.
Thankfully, the Meals on Wheels OC’s Friendly Visitor program is here to help. We matched Mary with a volunteer, Kristin, and they now share weekly visits together. We are proud to be part of Mary’s story and honored to have her in our Friendly Visitor program where each visit reduces loneliness while bringing new opportunities to share, care, and learn together.
“I love learning from her wisdom, hearing her stories, and it truly fills my heart to take just an hour out of my day to spend time with someone who has no visitors! I spend my whole week around people and I forget how grateful I am for that.” – Kristin, Meals on Wheels OC Friendly Visitor Volunteer
How It Works
Our caring volunteers offer friendship, joy, and smiles to homebound older adults who struggle with isolation. They are available for talks, laughs, a friendly game of cards, or just to share a cup of coffee.

How It Works
Our caring volunteers offer friendship, joy, and smiles to homebound older adults who struggle with isolation. They are available for talks, laughs, a friendly game of cards, or just to share a cup of coffee.

Who Qualifies
The Friendly Visitors in our program serve seniors who need companionship, support, and socialization in the comfort of their own homes.

Who Qualifies
The Friendly Visitors in our program serve seniors who need companionship, support, and socialization in the comfort of their own homes.
What Our Clients Have to Say
You can read statistics to see the impact you can have on the clients we serve … but we think our clients explain it best: